How to get rid of mice in the house quickly-the best way to get rid of mice

2021-12-14 10:02:08 By : Mr. Chris Wang

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These quick-acting therapies will keep rodents away from your basements, garages, attics, and walls.

In autumn and winter, rats will try to find food, warmth and shelter indoors. Rats not only bite through walls and destroy food boxes in kitchen cabinets, but they can also severely damage your family and personal health: they can bite electrical wires, carry a lot of bacteria, and can cause allergies and allergies to anyone living in the area. Asthma worsens. House.

Before taking any precautions, it is important to know how to spot rat poop, which is usually the first sign of rodents in your space. Mouse droppings resemble black rice grains, about a quarter of an inch long. Mouse shit tends to be wider and longer-about half an inch long. Traces of pee pills are the main sign that you have rats, but this is not the only thing you need to pay attention to: scan your pantry to see if there are any crumbs on the shelves or bite marks on the food boxes.

If you see a mouse, there must be other mice hiding somewhere in your house. In short, if one rat can find a way in, other rats can — and will — do so. In addition, they reproduce very fast.

Just like cockroaches and other pests, it is best to actively stop the rats first. But even with all the precautions taken, rats may slip through the cracks-literally. Once you find signs of unwelcome guests in your home, follow this step-by-step guide to remove the rats as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Once you find that the rat feces or food box has been bitten, take quick action to remove it before the rat can cause more damage.

Before you put down any traps or bait, do a little detective work. "Find out where they came from, because randomly placing traps on your basement floor will not do you any good," Cindy Mannes, a spokeswoman for the National Pest Management Association, told us. Try to determine where the rats live and nesting sites, and then set up traps around these general areas.

Mousetraps are still one of the most effective ways to get rid of rats that have caused serious damage inside. Stick the mousetrap in the more vulnerable areas of your home, such as behind walls and trash cans. There are a variety of mousetraps to choose from, all of which vary in cost, function, and design. Choose from the following mousetraps:

Except for sticky mousetraps, all mousetraps require some kind of bait. Peanut butter is by far the most common bait, but you can also use chocolate, cheese, bird seeds or nuts to lure rats into traps.

To mice, cars are as attractive as houses. "If they enter the garage, they may decide to live under the hood of your car, where the engine is nice and warm," Mannes warned. Once they start chewing on the wires, they can severely damage your car. Set up some mousetraps in your garage to get rid of any unwanted pests.

Before asking for help, everyone has different thresholds for what they are willing to endure. If you get to the point where you need professionals, ask your friends and neighbors if they have any suggestions for pesticides, whether you are looking for someone who can do your job effectively or provide a more humane method.

"Ask them whether they have permission from the state government and whether they are members of a state or national association," Mannes said. "These people usually take the time to get proper certifications and they are learning the latest treatment techniques."

After you have cleared any rats roaming in your home, follow the order of this list to make sure that they-and any other rodents, for that matter-return.

Once you have dealt with the internal infestation, you need to make sure that no other rats can enter. A mouse can pass through an opening the size of a dime. Even if a hole is not that big at the beginning, rodents will bite and make the opening bigger. The good news is: "They can't eat joint filler and steel wool," Mannes said. "Pay close attention to where the ducts enter the house and the basement foundation. Be sure to replace the weather strips and make sure you have shielded the vents and chimney openings."

Shrubs and branches are basically inviting mice and insects into your home. Cut off the highway to the house by cutting the bushes from the outside of the house. Make sure to store the wood pile at least 20 feet away from the house, because mice like to build nests in the wood pile.

In colder temperatures, rats are looking for a warm and continuous food supply. Since the messy and crumbly kitchen is their paradise, try to keep the kitchen shelves, cabinets and countertops clean, and even store unsealed food in airtight containers to restrict access. The same is true for pet food: try not to put food in a cat or dog's bowl all day because it attracts rodents.

Rats also chew on paper and cardboard, so it is best to throw away or recycle any excess food packaging when cleaning the kitchen every week.

Like insects and other pests, rats are attracted to trash cans. For the rat-proof trash can, please use a jar with a sealed lid or use a rubber thread to close it.

Although Mannes believes that homemade remedies are not the best way to get rid of rats, there is no harm in trying natural deterrents. Some people claim that the smell of peppermint and clove oil can repel mice. Soak cotton balls with these essential oils, and then glue them to areas that often attract rats, such as drawers, cabinets, and entrance passages. Or, if you prefer the readily available options, choose one of these natural mouse deterrents.