How Machine Intelligence Is Changing The Modern World

2021-12-27 14:39:06 By : Ms. Demi Lin

Alexey Posternak Chief Financial and Investment Officer Intema by MTS AI

The robust development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has made it possible to apply such developments in practices across a wide range of daily human activities. The progress of machine intelligence capacity has allowed business leaders to significantly increase the level of business process automation.

In 2019, Adobe reported that 15% of enterprises surveyed actively used AI technologies in their operations, while representatives of another 31% of companies started seriously considering introducing such innovations within 12 months of the survey. As time passed, and the range of AI-powered solutions continued to expand, more and more enterprises considered deploying AI in some form or another. In a report from Deloitte, 83% of adopters surveyed indicated that they consider AI-powered technology to be one of the top business priorities throughout the digitalization journey. Hence, AI-powered operating processes are the inevitable future of humankind, which will allow individuals to automate routine tasks and companies to increase operating efficiency and thus boost revenues and cut costs. The big question for today is: What are the future trends in AI application in our lives and business environment?

Breakthroughs And Challenges In AI Development

AI development and use is currently an issue to focus on. Specialists and mass media expect technology advancements to allow complete redefining of the role of machine intelligence in modern life. This is about the development of computer vision, natural language processing and neural networks. The adoption of AI-fueled solutions within big tech continues to gain momentum. One of the biggest examples dates back to 2013 when it was reported that 35% of all online purchases on Amazon were made based on the recommendation algorithm, which advises suitable, and similar goods for customers.

Social needs lead to automation of even the most old-fashioned and conservative parts of the economy, such as agriculture. AI has the ability to dramatically transform the way humans do farming. U.S. farmers are already conducting (subscription required) experiments using robotized pest control technologies, and Russian farms are testing unmanned harvesters for cereal crops. But the scope of AI abilities within farming doesn’t end here, as AgTech company Indigo is using AI and big data-powered genome sequencing techniques to predict the most beneficial microbes for plants in order to increase crop yields and reduce risks.

The 21st-century AI developments are extremely dynamic, as advancements are made in many fields ranging from human speech synthesis and photo and video analytics to building advanced neural networks for semantic parsing and question answering. Nevertheless, the implementation of AI as a full-fledged copy of human intelligence is still not possible. Although an electronic brain can be useful when solving complicated tasks, it doesn’t have many functions typical for human thinking.

Today’s science is not ready to recognize a machine brain as full-fledged intelligence. According to specialists, AI in its current state is a tool in the form of a set of engineering technologies that are to be developed by evolution. Experts don’t expect any global breakthroughs in this field until the human brain is discovered fully. AI can come down to just refined engineering: increased efficiency of systems, design of more technologically advanced solutions and improvement in already existing operating principles.

The AI Revolution: When Will It Happen?

The revolution in AI introduction will be possible in two scenarios. The first is if humanity completely reveals the basis for the biological processes underlying the working of the human brain. The second is if there are conditions for the emergence of a new technological base for AI such as quantum computers for mass market, which would allow overcoming the imperfection of today’s hardware.

Recent developments in the field of machine intelligence owe their origin to the latter case. This is about the emergence of pocket-sized electronic devices with enough capacity to solve applied problems.

What Are The Trends In AI Development?

Lately, governmental bodies and enterprises around the globe have been probing ways to develop AI, but now the time for another stage of development has come — introduction of new technologies. The economy faces the task of adapting know-how in the field of computer technologies to everyday applications. AI is already able to solve routine problems and perform routine operations to unleash human resources for tasks that require a creative approach.

Electronic intelligence will be a part of business processes, and large companies are accelerating the emergence of this trend. For example, Autodesk and General Motors are applying generative planning algorithms to develop details of better parts designs, and Bridgestone is introducing the EXAMATION system into manufacturing, to allow monitoring of the quality of tires produced based on almost 500 technical specifications.

These solutions prove that even now AI can help to solve complicated problems. In the years to come, a growth in applied solutions use should be expected along with an expansion in AI application to the fields such as autonomous vehicles, human-like robots and even AI-powered governments.

These developments provide a full stack of investment opportunities and point at the creation of new generation VC funds, with a primary focus on deep AI expertise and support throughout the full startup cycle. Focusing on deep tech startups will allow building expertise in the niche, which tries to address the greater problem of a modern world via disruptive innovation.

The information provided here is not investment, tax or financial advice. You should consult with a licensed professional for advice concerning your specific situation.

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